Five-star breakfast
For two thirds of business or leisure travellers, whether or not breakfast is included in the rate influences their choice of hotel. But, at a time when people are searching for pleasure and personalized experiences, what exactly is the perfect breakfast?
Breakfast is without a doubt the meal where people are least inclined to make compromises. So you have to please people who prefer sweet foods as well as those who prefer savory, voracious appetites as well as picky eaters, and people who want to feel at home as well as those who want to experience something new. A pretty tall order for hotel establishments. Is it all really worth the effort (and the cost)?
According to the experts, the value of breakfast service isn't always immediately evident in your return on investment (ROI) but more in terms of the number of recommendations your customers make. Customer reviews on sites like TripAdvisor or Yelp and in social media play a big role in your recipe for success. Here are a few elements to consider in order to maximize your customer satisfaction at breakfast time and multiply the number of positive reviews you get on social media as a result.
A basic formula with charm
Carb-rich foods make up some of the most beloved breakfast fare, whatever country we're talking about. A selection of nourishing breads, chewy bagels, healthy muffins, chocolatines and other pastries often suffice to provide a breakfast that's at once filling and flavourful.
If possible, add protein-rich foods, those indispensable sources of energy. Bacon, sausages and scrambled eggs are definitely classics, but you can also turn to ham and cold cuts or pâtés and cretons. To stand out even more, try offering original, more elaborate dishes, like western omelettes in bacon cups. Cheeses, yogurts and nuts are other great sources of protein.
Quality coffee and tea
Before even thinking of what they would like to eat, people dream of their morning dose of caffeine in the form of black coffee, fragrant Earl Grey tea or creamy cappuccino. But worse than forgetting these is serving poor quality coffee or tea, which is always badly viewed. To meet customer expectations, many establishments offer specialty teas and coffees and generally fair trade as well as capsule systems that ensure consistent quality without all the fuss.
Healthy options are a must
More than ever, healthy foods are gaining in popularity, and fruits have carved out a special place for themselves on the list of healthy breakfast foods. In addition to being tasty and energizing, they bring vibrant colour that makes any plate more appealing. If possible carry fresh and whole fruit, which can be served with yogurt, cottage cheese or oatmeal. Another plus: a smoothie station, with fruit served in bowls along with different garnishes. In terms of protein, you can opt for low-fat cheeses and lower fat meats like chicken or turkey.
A local touch
Breakfast is an excellent opportunity for customers to discover the local culinary culture. By serving foods typical of the region, you get to offer customers a unique experience. Products from an artisanal bakery, a local cheese, maple syrup or preserves from the area are just a few items that can really make breakfast something special.