Rôti de dindon en tranches

Temps de préparation :
15 minutes

Temps de cuisson :
45 minutes

125 g | rôti de dindon Olymel cuit, tranché | |
100 g | purée de patates douces rôties | |
50 g | compote de pommes | |
Haricots verts blanchis | ||
Sel et poivre du moulin | ||
250 g | patates douces pelées, en cubes | |
7 ml | huile d’olive | |
15 ml | beurre | |
15 ml | bouillon de poulet | |
sel et poivre |
Roast Sweet Potato Purée
•Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
•In a bowl, combine sweet potato cubes with olive oil, salt and pepper.
•Place sweet potato cubes on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake about 45 minutes or until tender.
•In the food processor, purée the potatoes with the remaining ingredients. Add salt and pepper. Keep warm.
•Reheat turkey slices and green beans.
•Arrange turkey, beans and sweet potato purée on a plate.
•Garnish with apple sauce and serve.